Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thing #2 & #3

The easiest step of the 7 1/2 would have to be "Play!" I can waste hours playing on a computer, or with any number of new ideas about topics that interest me. The hardest would probably be using technology to my advantage. Time is always short (isn't it for everyone?) and keeping up with the latest and the greatest in technology is often at the bottom of my must-do list. If it isn't something I need to know for work, I usually don't bother with it.

Thing #5

Emma stares
Originally uploaded by tshahady
This is my new granddaughter, Emma Victoria. Born February 16th, to my son, Dan, and my daughter-in-law, Angela, she is beautiful, sweet, and completely wonderful! This picture was taken by her uncle, my son-in-law, Tim Shahady. He's posted this and other photos of Emma on Flickr.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Now I've Created a Blog

When I was a child, creating a blog would have conjured up thoughts of something worthy of a horror movie. Perhaps some bog creature would have been called Blog and would have preyed upon children and dogs, or perhaps some evil fog would have been know as Blog as it engulfed whole cities. How far away those days of simple, single-syllable fear! Now, blog is this-- an entity that my employer has encouraged me to create. Farewell, fond fearful blogs of yore! Welcome to the new blog!